Christmas cow

Almost an ox or even a bull (hello Taurus), if it weren’t for her udder. From a great stand just off Marienplatz, where I had fun bargaining with the salesman and came home with a bag of treasures. Now officially in a Christmas mood. If you need more snazzy stuff than cows to spend your […]

Blogwichtl aka Secret Santa

I found the following very charming “Secret Santa” or “Wichtel” in my in-box. Thank you so much, Unknown Wordler and Help-Shift-Happener (and thank you, Hollemann, for running the show): Liebe Anne, or should I say dear Anne? Your lovely Blogwichtel war ja schon ein bisschen estonished, als mir Dein Blog – I have to admit […]

Gifts men make

Dave Barry collects gifts “For the Naughty” (Washington Post, 30 November 2008) – gifts to end gift-giving – and writes: But it is a fact that as the holiday season approaches, women are overpowered by the biological urge to buy bulk quantities of gifts, often without any clear idea whom a specific gift is for. […]

Christmas spirit

The MELTA Christmas party yesterday was so nice! If you’re teaching English this week, try this activity: A running “pictionary“. Divide the class into teams. Each team has to send one person to you to pick up a card with a word on it that they have to draw and let their team guess. No […]