The stolen election

“Persepolis” cartoonist and filmmaker Marjane Satrapi says Iranians were robbed of their votes. Along with renowned filmmaker Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Satrapi asked the European Union not recognize President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s re-election. Satrapi read from a paper allegedly from the Interior Ministry in Iran that stated opposition leader Mirhossein Mousavi had received 19,075,723 votes compared with 5,698,000 […]

New Yorker Animated Cartoons

Rod introduced me to the New Yorker Animated Cartoons podcast. Here are a few: You can get the New Yorker Animated Cartoons as a podcast on iTunes. The iPhone app on my iPhone sometimes stalls – pity! But the podcast is better anyway.

Gender matters

Lera Boroditsky discusses her research on differences in gender stereotypes in HOW DOES OUR LANGUAGE SHAPE THE WAY WE THINK? (, June 12). She asks “Do the languages we speak shape the way we see the world, the way we think, and the way we live our lives?” She thinks they do: In one study, […]

Question: What do you do alone, by yourself, on your own?

One may be the loneliest number, and no man is an island, but some things are better, or turn out better, when you do them yourself. The process itself may be more effective or rewarding. Or the product may be better or more enjoyable if it’s yours alone. Perhaps you have learned to do something and there is just nobody else who can do it as well, even though you’re banging your head to find someone to delegate it to or share the job with. So you do it yourself. Let me tell you about the things I find myself doing alone in this week’s podcast. And I’d like to hear from you about what you prefer to do alone.

PomeGranate Phone

Fiddling with a video and an exercise on mobile phones, I stumbled across the PomeGranatePhone website again. This ideal smartphone can do one or two fun tricks the iPhone can’t … but only one or two. The PomeGranate ad was released in September 2008, and the iPhone apps are catching up. I think I could […]

Hey, this is just the beginning

Found on Gavin Dudeney’s blog. These kids are a lot more technophile than my adult students. And they have a lot more time on their hands to play with technology. And yet here I am, repeating my invitation to you, hoping to find adults learning English who are willing to share their thoughts online in […]

Clara Boone, pioneer

When I was a child in the late 60s, a family friend, a descendent of Daniel Boone, came round one day for tea. Clara Boone was a teacher at a public school in DC. The local public schools were deteriorating in those days, kids were really tough, and the teachers were struggling to adapt. We […]