Poetry and prose

Elisabeth Alexander’s inaugural poem was bad. She’s best when she holds back and condenses. Her prosaic poetry is close to prose, her scenes spare and strong and close to home. “Someone is stitching up a hem, darning a hole in a uniform, patching a tire”. Wonderful! But the scenes were disjointed, and didn’t stand up […]

The Raven

Wonderful, brilliant, romantic, funny, thrilling, naughty Poe. Our greatest classic writer. Happy birthday, bicentennial poet. Vincent Price reads:

Internet for everyone

The USA ranks 15th in broadband adoption, which is key to getting more access for rural areas. Germany, where I live, has dropped from rank 10 to 14. The table is from a publication by InternetforEveryone.org called One Nation Online. Also see the OECD report, The Future of the Internet Economy. Of course, the US, […]


Wijng is an emerging online platform for learning English, and currently it’s free. I’ve looked at a few of the units, including one on skiffle, that nice music of the 50s, and here are a few thoughts: The makers of this platform are taking existing videos, e.g. on YouTube. These are not skripted or specifically […]

David Crystal: Keep your English up to date

David Crystal has a lovely series of short and amusing talks about words that are popular but not yet in the dictionary, such as “hoodie” and “get a life” and “in your dreams” and “wired” and “gobsmacked” and “clueless” and “wannabe” and “blog”… so all of my favorite words, actually. Includes audio, pdf lesson plan, […]

Germany vs. USA: Phones

Alex (from Germany) and Jim (from the USA) have a nice vodcast called “Germany vs. USA” where they talk about cultural differences and similarities between the two countries. Here they compare etiquette on the phone. I’m having trouble with phones, skype and co. Can’t find my cellphone, which has stopped bleeping for a recharge, which […]