Start it up

Thinking about starting up a podcast again, after a break of about half a year. There is so much to think and talk about. Will you be part of the discussion?

Patti Smith: Horses

She‘s a giant, punk stands on her shoulders. I drove my dad absolutely crazy playing “Horses” (“that’s pornography!” “no, that’s art!”)  and her version of “Gloria”. When I tried to convince him that she was a poet and an intellectual, he said, “How can she hear herself think?” Actually, I think the performance comes after […]

Rabih Abou-Khalil: Lewinsky March

Happy Father’s Day, you marvellous men! 🙂 My brother Christoph introduced me to the music of Rabih Abou-Khalil years ago. Going to see him – Chris! – soon

Sex and … grammar?

I’ve got a fun job, writing an exercise a week for learners of English. We think up a topic related to the magazine and a grammar issue that should be addressed, or a set of vocabulary items and an approach to learning them, and then I’m off and running. It’s funny: The more bizarre the […]

Lev Ylmaz: Procrastination

This is pretty much exactly how my day went yesterday, except that you can replace “shopping” with “lining up the apps I need” and “watching the Twilight Zone marathon” with “playing all of my favorite music to Helmut”. So I’ve got to buckle down and really get my stuff done today. From Levni Ymaz’s “Tales […]

Zap targets bullying among boys and girls

Zapdramatic is an interactive roleplaying game series for practicing and discussing communicative behavior. Michael Gibson, the mastermind behind the series, is planning a slow reveal of his relaunched Zap site. He wrote to me that they are “looking for new users to help support our new projects.” I’m a member of Zapdramatic because it gets […]