Question: What role do elderly parents play in your life? Play in new window | DownloadMy mother died last week, and I’m mourning and thinking back. When I decided to stay here in Germany, an ocean away, I automatically decided against sharing her day-to-day life and being there to help her with her big and small needs. Not being there has felt morally wrong, […]

Dog, by Lawrence Ferlinghetti Play in new window | DownloadThe dog trots freely in the street and sees reality and the things he sees are bigger than himself and the things he sees are his reality Drunks in doorways Moons on trees The dog trots freely thru the street and the things he sees are smaller than himself […]

Grammar Guru: Predictions

Last week: I’m ready to leave to go on a trip, so I say I am going to PoznaƄ this weekend. (80%, 16 Votes) I will go to PoznaƄ this weekend. (20%, 4 Votes) I go to PoznaƄ this weekend. (0%, 0 Votes) More here. This week: Which of these predictions is correct English and […]

Agile one to one. Progress, step by step

This is how I teach. Aiming too high can cause negative stress. I’ve learned to break learning down into small, productive, rewarding steps. I was thrilled and very priviledged to be sponsored by Cornelsen to present this at BESIG, the Business English Special Interest Group, in Poznan last weekend. It was a great event. This […]

Rocketboom: Augmented Reality

Talked about Augmented Reality, a term coined by Professor Tom Caudell at Boeing, in a class yesterday. Layar, Nearest Tube, the London Underground iPhone app, and Bionic Eye, the same thing for NY, may be great, but Augmented ID freaked us out. Minority Report, here we come!

President Obama pardons Turkey

Kennedy was the first president who wouldn’t kill the “official turkey”. Then years later Bush started the tradition of granting the turkey an official “Thanksgiving pardon”; and Obama pardoned Courage, this year’s Official White House Turkey, just in time for tomorrow’s celebrations.