Question: Why do you write? Why don’t you write? Play in new window | DownloadWhy do you write or blog? If you don’t write or blog, why not? I finally called off my blog project yesterday after reading the Pew’s Report on teens not blogging and twittering. (Summary in Mashable) The reasons given for the lack of interest which I, too, have experienced […]

The iThing

I broke my vow not to hang out on Twitter. Well, I had a fun conversation about the iTablet iThing Apple is unveiling today, asking what people thought it should be called. I thought iPad would work. Andy H thought they should go with iLash, or iShadow, iBrow, or iDrofoil. The iDrofoil? a waterproof version? […]

You can subscribe to Grammar Guru

I tend to put random musings into this blog. If, dear reader, you want to subscribe just to the features you like, you can! Some of you might only like Grammar Guru, or songs, or the podcast, or the short films, or teaching. Subscribe selectively by going to these pages: Grammar Guru: Question podcast: […]

Question: Inspired by a fault? Play in new window | DownloadDjango Reinhardt was born 100 years ago yesterday. He lost the use of the third and fourth finger on his left hand when the family caravan caught fire, and as a result developed his own unique style of guitar playing. Seriously inspirational, that is. Can you remember any other […]

Question: Can you disengage from social networks? Play in new window | DownloadLate last summer Chris invited me to get on the luddite bandwaggon and drop Twitter and Facebook. Chris is a blogger and makes videos, so “luddite” is somewhat relative. But here am I, having a massive change of heart after promoting the use of online social networks to my […]

Question: What role do elderly parents play in your life? Play in new window | DownloadMy mother died last week, and I’m mourning and thinking back. When I decided to stay here in Germany, an ocean away, I automatically decided against sharing her day-to-day life and being there to help her with her big and small needs. Not being there has felt morally wrong, […]

Question: Can you learn from a robot? Play in new window | DownloadI had great fun last week, exploring what it is like to talk to a chatbot. It was Shelly Terrell who originally put me up to it, advising me when I was gathering ideas for a Spotlight Magazine article edited and coauthored by Jo Westcombe on ways English learners […]