I tend to put random musings into this blog. If, dear reader, you want to subscribe just to the features you like, you can! Some of you might only like Grammar Guru, or songs, or the podcast, or the short films, or teaching. Subscribe selectively by going to these pages:
- Grammar Guru: http://annehodgson.de/category/grammar-guru/feed/
- Question podcast: http://annehodgson.de/category/podcast/feed/
- Song of the week: http://annehodgson.de/category/songs/feed/
- Short film: http://annehodgson.de/category/short-film/feed/
- Teaching: http://annehodgson.de/category/teaching/feed/
And you can replace the bit in bold with any other category you like.
6 Responses
Cool – going to subscribe to technology, teaching, blogging… hmmm, I need an über category! 🙂
🙂 Back to say, BRILLIANT, subscribed to links for me and for my students – all works.
Yeah! Problem solved 😀
I also notice that you can subscribe to individual tags (the words in the tag cloud) too, e.g. http://annehodgson.de/tag/writing/feed/