The Spoken Web Play in new window | DownloadIsn’t he lovely? Photo by Jurec, who found this Buddha “who really listens” in a Tempel in Hangzhou, China. Asia is listening as IBM India Research Laboratory tests the World Wide Telecom Web (WWTW), a network of VoiceSites you access by phone. In this alternative to the WWW, […]

Going out to the theater Play in new window | DownloadI’ve always felt that if you’re learning English, you should take your learning outside the classroom. If you live in Munich or other major cities in Europe, there are quite a number of events in English in the fall and winter. I used to take people out to the […]

A neat cave of my own Play in new window | DownloadThings are changing. I used to have a very regular schedule connected to weekly classes that allowed me to organize myself. It was Monday?  OK, so I had my MVHS evening classes – that was a regular slot for about 5 years – and one, two or three one-to-one […]

Useable Play in new window | DownloadNotice anything different about this site? Christmas came early this year, when Christian moved my site domain to, installed an updated version of WordPress, and migrated my content into it. I then spent the weekend trying things out and putting in the tags and categories you see on […]

My blog. Your blog?

When I first started this blog I was unsure what approach I should take. I mean, I don’t stand in the middle of town talking to myself. And I keep my private life private. At least I used to think I did. Until I got this message on Skype from a woman in Russia who said, “Anne, do you know that your secret journal is online?” Last week, when I told my brother Adam over a Mass at the Oktoberfest that I had blogged about our mother, he gave me this very strange look. My husband tells me my topics are too complicated. So what am I doing it for? Give me a few minutes of your time, and I’ll explain.

Planet Oktoberfest

Once a year this city goes totally nuts. I know enough people who can‘t stand the madness that is the Wiesn, as the Oktoberfest ( is known here. A Wiese is a meadow, and that’s what the Theresienwiese, as the fairgrounds are called, once were, years ago, when King Ludwig and Queen Therese decided to celebrate their wedding here in 1810. In the first years the Oktoberfest was modeled on the ancient Olympics and was actually a sporting event. Today the only sports involved are raising a liter of beer in a glass mug (that‘s just over three pounds) and keeping your balance while you dance on the table (which is not allowed, but everybody does). Oh, and there’s finger wrestling, or Fingerhakln, of course, and running hurdles to get to the restrooms. So the disciplines aren’t too challenging.

Scrutinizing Scrum

A few months ago I first heard about agile planning methods in software development from Christian and now Helmut is busy reading up on Scrum. Scrum is a project management method which focusses completely on the customer and the quality of the product. How? It progresses in very short cycles to develop a product and checks that progress consistently.