Is privacy the new taboo?
I’ve been online now for just over 5 years. Recently I accidentally found the first video I made of myself, where I self-consciously wondered whether the information broadcasting movement I was about to join had any relevance, or whether it was a half-witted attempt to engage in broader but seemingly disconnected discourses, as half-witted as […]
Hey, this is just the beginning
Found on Gavin Dudeney’s blog. These kids are a lot more technophile than my adult students. And they have a lot more time on their hands to play with technology. And yet here I am, repeating my invitation to you, hoping to find adults learning English who are willing to share their thoughts online in […]
Starting an EFL blogging group
Are you feeling clueless about what a blog is and how to set one up to become part of the Island Weekly blogging project group? I’ve made a video for you. Set up your blog here: or here: If you’d like to see what a Posterous blog looks like, have a look at […]