EULEAP: EUropean Lecturers of English for Academic Purposes
There’s a new kid on the block: EULEAP, a network of EUropean Lecturers of English for Academic Purposes. It’s not incorporated officially, simply coordinated technically as a Ning social networking site, and is open to anyone who is involved in teaching English (or in teaching in English!) in tertiary education: Martin Bradbeer (TH Wildau) […]
Debate and discussion
I enjoyed yesterday’s communication skills class with the Master of Public Management class at the University of Potsdam. We did discussion and debate, and I used a few resources I can recommend: After showing the students my communication triangle above (connect at the human, the community, and the (competitive, self-)marketing levels), I highlighted the skill […]
Elevator speeches
audio: E.O.Wilson 45 second elevator speech