Finish your partner’s sentences
I was just on Facebook to Stew when I stumbled across a video… and bingo, here’s a nice task for you learners: Tell a story about something two of you did together. OK, you don’t really have to have done this, ok? You can make it up – invent it. So: It should be a […]
Riddles upside down
A man went on a trip on Friday, stayed for 2 days and returned on Friday. How is that possible? Answer: ¡ǝsɹoɥ ɐ sı ʎɐpıɹɟ What has 4 wheels and flies? Answer: ¡ʞɔnɹʇ ǝƃɐqɹɐƃ ɐ What did the fish say when he hit the side of his glass bowl at 50 miles per hour? Answer: […]
Pigeon: Impossible
Pigeon Impossible, the silent animated film by Lucas Martell released on 9 November that took 4 years to make, passed the 1 million views mark on YouTube after less than 2 weeks online. The film is set in the neighborhood of the International Spy Museum in Washington, D.C., where two of my nieces and I […]
The iThing
I broke my vow not to hang out on Twitter. Well, I had a fun conversation about the iTablet iThing Apple is unveiling today, asking what people thought it should be called. I thought iPad would work. Andy H thought they should go with iLash, or iShadow, iBrow, or iDrofoil. The iDrofoil? a waterproof version? […]
Smigly: What’s your stimulus package?
My boss Eamonn found Smigly by Allen Mezquida. Wonderful. Great blog, too. – So what’s your stimulus package? 😉 Seriously, now?
NYT Breaking News: July 4th, 2009
The New York Times – Breaking News, World News & Multimedia This special edition of The New York Times comes from a future in which we are accomplishing what we know today to be possible. Thanks Beatrice & Beatrix 🙂 Download a pdf version here.