Question: Do you believe in learning styles? Play in new window | DownloadIn my profession there’s a hot debate going on about “learning styles”. You know, finding out whether you are a visual learner and need to see things to understand them, or an auditory learner who prefers to hear things, or whether you are a kinethetic learner and have to […]

How I learned Latin… and French

Since I grew up bilingual in German and English, Latin was the first foreign language I learned. My dad taught me Latin when I was 5, using the Nature Method, a book of texts featuring a family with kids my age on up, talking about everyday life, with a brother beating up on his little […]

Englischlernen mit Blogs is as easy as 1,2,3

If you are practicing English online by yourself, here are three lovely blogs written especially for you to start with. Each one is special in its own way: 1. Der Englisch-Blog Dieser Blog von Markus Brendel ist auf Deutsch geschrieben und erklärt täglich entweder einen Ausdruck oder eine Frage aus der Grammatik. Gestern hat Markus […]

How to learn English: Reflective journal

Can keeping a reflective journal help you learn? Yes, but you need focus: good guidelines with a catalogue of questions. Is feedback neccessary? Not really, but it can be motivating – especially feedback from your peers. At a recent conference on Personal Learning Environments, Marc Graber of the University of Zürich studied the progress that […]

Hey, this is just the beginning

Found on Gavin Dudeney’s blog. These kids are a lot more technophile than my adult students. And they have a lot more time on their hands to play with technology. And yet here I am, repeating my invitation to you, hoping to find adults learning English who are willing to share their thoughts online in […]

Starting an EFL blogging group

Are you feeling clueless about what a blog is and how to set one up to become part of the Island Weekly blogging project group? I’ve made a video for you. Set up your blog here: or here: If you’d like to see what a Posterous blog looks like, have a look at […]