Public viewing

I know that any spectator sport is all about loving and supporting your local team long-term, especially in football (or “soccer”), but I simply can’t get into our local club, 1860.

Into the wind

Sailing is my switch, my release, my heaven. A good day on the water is all I need to get back my wings, to expand my range of vision, to put things back into perspective. It’s marvelous to be suspended between the water and the air, feeling the tug of the updrift and the slap of the waves, reading the sky and the water, deep in conversation with the elements.

Moodling through

It’s been a year and a half now since I first started thinking about online learning.

Dancing data Play in new window | DownloadWhen I was at college, I found presentations based solely on statistics incredibly boring. I find it far more interesting to tell and to listen to stories about individual cases. Storytelling based in experience is still the easiest way to captivate an audience. But everyone appreciates how important statistics […]

Pretty in blue

I was pretty blue a couple of weeks ago when my trusty laptop gave out on me – leaving me without equipment at a very bad time, just as I am getting ready to teach my first seminar for Management Circle.

Going Pink

Writing a job application is a basic skill that needs continuous improvement. As you go through professional life, you keep redefining your professional identity and updating your CV, job objectives and career goals to go with it. The best practical guide for career soul-searching is probably still Richard Bolles’ job hunter’s bible, “What Color is Your Parachute”. But Daniel Pink has just published a career guide called “The Adventures of Johnny Bunko”, and it’s a manga comic that tells the story of how one man learns to thrive in the world of work.

Green Time

Red TIME magazine came in green last week. It’s a “Special Environmental Issue”, and the effect of the cover in complemetary green is visually striking.