Simply beautiful

When is the last time you went to a meeting and saw a presentation that knocked your socks off? It’s a rare occurrence, isn’t it?

Vote for Beppe

Italy is voting for a prime minister for the 62nd time since the end of the second world war, and unless a miracle occurs, it will elect Belusconi for a third term. Oh, Italy!

Nobody’s perfect

I was walking through the TUM the other day when I saw a label above a nice architectural exhibit showing a building project, which read, “Der Zweck der Planung ist die Realisierung.” How very German that sentence is: three nouns and no real verb, like a stone temple of language.

A Stroke of Insight

At the age of 37, at the height of her career, brain scientist Jill Bolte Taylor had a stroke. She witnessed the functions in her left brain hemisphere shutting down.


Easter has been connected with the peace movement ever since people first went on a 50 mile “Easter March” from London on Good Friday in 1958 to demonstrate against nuclear weapons.

No Genius

Math! It seems to me that no subject (except maybe English) can frustrate so many learners.

Pizza EU

If this petition is accepted, the pizza service I use will no longer be able call its pizza a “Pizza Napolitana”. But frankly, who cares?