
How tenuous our grip on peace is. Continue to believe in the brotherhood of mankind. Fear kills. Love empowers.

NYT Breaking News: July 4th, 2009

The New York Times – Breaking News, World News & Multimedia This special edition of The New York Times comes from a future in which we are accomplishing what we know today to be possible. Thanks Beatrice & Beatrix 🙂 Download a pdf version here.

BigDialog: Ask the President-Elect, a cross-partisan partnership of academics, bloggers, and e-communities invites President-Elect Barack Obama to answer the people’s questions. The eCitizen Foundation (a Massachusetts non-profit) along with its partners and supporters, including Bill Mitchell of MIT and Lawrence Lessig of Stanford, are asking people to pose and prioritize text and video questions for Mr. Obama. The […]

White House online

Aren’t they lovely? The average campaign donation for Obama was 83 dollars. This time you know who the money came from. The picture is ripped from the print edition of the article “Young and Restless” in the Financial Times of 24 October, which sweetened my ride home last night. Here is one section that will […]

The Royal Society and Creationism

The story that God created the world in six days is enjoying a renaissance in the UK, just as the world is getting ready to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s publication of the theory evolution in 1859.

3 Quarks Daily

This great “filter blog” edited by S. Abbas Raza collects the writings of people in the arts and sciences. If you think the world has run out of ideas, go there. Yesterday it featured an article reporting that Iranian female students have been secretly reading Nabokov’s Lolita. Habermas, Kant, Arendt, Mill, Camus are hugely popular […]

The pleasant poetry of Genesis

The 1925 trial against John Scopes for teaching the theory of evolution in Tennessee was the first U.S. trial to be broadcast on national radio and is still making waves. Today many of the states in the US require public schools to teach the creation of the world according to the book of Genesis on par with Darwin’s theory of evolution.