This great “filter blog” edited by S. Abbas Raza collects the writings of people in the arts and sciences. If you think the world has run out of ideas, go there. Yesterday it featured an article reporting that Iranian female students have been secretly reading Nabokov’s Lolita. Habermas, Kant, Arendt, Mill, Camus are hugely popular there. How subversive these marvellous, formative, liberal Western texts must be for minds coming of age in a theocracy! (See The Fighting Faith.)
Then, today 3 Quarks Daily reports on a writing project at Penguin Books telling stories based on classics using interactive media such as GoogleMaps and Twitter. (See We tell stories)
On Mondays the 3 Quarks Daily editors post their own writings (collected here.) Yes to viral thinking ;-)!
NASA. The icy blue eyes are the cores of two merging galaxies.