Flash fiction

Sorry, folks, I’m using this blog to think through some stuff today. I’m Moodling again, at least theoretically, to prepare for an upcoming workshop. Can’t show off old user content anymore since I deleted all former users and their work as an antivirus precaution, and don’t want to do what I did before because I’ve […]

Ask Auntie Web

At MELTA, the Munich English Language Teachers’ Association that I’m a part of, there are many teachers who are very frustrated about new media. There it is, they can see it, they can smell it, they can taste it, but they just can’t get their hands on it. There are techie blogs out there, sure, […]

Podcasts are better than lectures

Students have been handed another excuse to skip class from an unusual quarter. New psychological research suggests that university students who download a podcast lecture achieve substantially higher exam results than those who attend the lecture in person. Podcasted lectures offer students the chance to replay difficult parts of a lecture and therefore take better […]


For over a year now my dear host Christian has put up with my Moodle platform. You’ll remember, I ran a few courses on it and did something for the LMU and for the VHS, and I was intending to run a train-the-trainer session for MELTA. But being hacked has come as a shock and […]

Rebecca Casati is the best

Hey, you English speaking learners of German – read the best German lifestyle journalist around, Rebecca Casati. Just the intro to her interview of Mickey Rourke in today’s Süddeutsche Zeitung is so nice: “Er stemmt sich aus der Couch, bis er seine beeindruckende Bärenstatur erreicht hat. Langsam fährt einem eine Art Hand entgegen. Die Finger […]

Mike Seymour hands out the list of villains

For several years now I’ve been on the mailing list of an English trainer whom I have never met. From one of my students I’ve heard he is excellent. I understand he’s from Leeds and takes his clients there for unforgettable trips. As for me, I have enjoyed his emails and his website, www.mikeseymour.com, where […]

Nick Peachey on video

One of my favorite educators in the blogosphere has posted a series about online video and what it has to offer teachers and learners: Find out about free video editing software YouTube for IWBs with PicLens Free Educational TV Channels Open source video animation News Videos for EFL ESL Materials Design Things You Can Do […]