Are you feeling clueless about what a blog is and how to set one up to become part of the Island Weekly blogging project group? I’ve made a video for you.
Set up your blog here: or here:
If you’d like to see what a Posterous blog looks like, have a look at mine: With Posterous, you don’t even have to set up your blog. Just post an email to The subject line (Betreffzeile) will be the title, and the text will be your post. After you have sent off your first email you will get an email from Posterus asking you to “claim the site”. Follow the link and give your blog a name. Posterous asks you to use your name, but instead you can use any name, so instead of “annehodgson” just give your blog an imaginary, imaginative name.
After your first post and claiming your blog, you always post to Posterous by sending an email to That automatically posts to your own blog, and you get a confirmation email with the link. It doesn’t get any simpler than that!
“EFL” stands for “English as a foreign language”. I’d be especially pleased if people who are working on their English would join our group.
Questions? Comments? Just click on the “comment/s” button below this entry.
5 Responses
Dear Anne,
It is a very good idea to share your knowledge about blogging by a video. I’ve been planning to make a similar one, and yours gave inspiration to me:-)) Hope there will be more ELT bloggers in the blogosphere and I’m sure there will be some after your video!
All the best,
Welcome, Burcu!
I didn’t originally think that a “talking head” video would make much sense, and thought that doing a screen capture “how to” video would be better. But I think people who are not really at home online may enjoy a personal, chatty video more… especially if we actually know each other 😉
Now I just hope some of my readers accept the invitation!
Thanks for your good wishes & the best to you, too!
Dear Anne
I watched and read this when you posted it and had stored the information in the back of my mind until today when I realised that Posterous provides a perfect solution for two groups I’m working with. This afternoon, I worked with a man with learning disabilities who posted some of his favourite YouTube videos. This evening, I’m setting up a group site for work with a group of parents improving their digital literacies.
I came back here to see when you had posted it and realise it was one year ago today! Spooky, eh? 🙂
Thanks for the post,
How nice, Carol, that’s very motivating! Thank you for your story.
I’m actually opting for Nings at the moment, because of their integrated messaging and forum features, but I’m still a big fan of Posterous. KISS!
A whole year? Oof!