Arcade Fire: Haiti

An empty sack cannot stand up. – Haïtian proverb Haïti was the first independent nation in Latin America, the first post-colonial independent black-led nation in the world, the only nation whose independence was gained as part of a successful slave rebellion (22 August 1791). Today it’s the only predominantly Francophone independent nation in the Americas. […]

Question: Can you disengage from social networks? Play in new window | DownloadLate last summer Chris invited me to get on the luddite bandwaggon and drop Twitter and Facebook. Chris is a blogger and makes videos, so “luddite” is somewhat relative. But here am I, having a massive change of heart after promoting the use of online social networks to my […]

Grammar Guru: Which headline makes sense?

Headlines are very challenging to understand, because little words are left out that help you see whether the information words are nouns, verbs, adjectives etc. Often short words are chosen to make sure the headline fits into the space on the page, which means that often less well-known words are used. Also, headlines often use […]

Peter, Björn and John: Young Folks

Young Folks If I told you things I did before Told you how I used to be Would you go along with someone like me If you knew my story word for word Had all of my history Would you go along with someone like me I did before and had my share It didn’t […]

Art Brut: Emily Cane

Art Brut get better with every listening. Ulrich gave me this CD almost a year and a half ago, and I still feel it’s music for people about half my age. But I do have to acknowledge their genius. I was your boyfriend when we were 15 It’s the happiest that I’ve ever been Even […]

Grammar Guru: Is it past or present perfect?

There is a new argument being brought in by Republican opponents of the health bill. They say the health bill will “force” individuals into a contract with a private agency. This type of provision would be new in America, they say. So what do you think these opponents are saying? In the history of this […]

The Walkmen: In the New Year

I have no idea what this song is about, folks (do you?), and I’m not sure what Nosferato is doing in this strange video, but I just love the Walkmen. And I’ll take the good news with the bad. I know it’s going to be a good year. A happy New Year to you all! […]