In this episode of The Dragon’s Den, a reality TV show that airs (gesendet wird) in many countries – here in Canada (CBC) – the Patil children are selling a stake (Anteil) in their father’s recipe for Rasam soup to the Dragons, a panel (Podium) of venture capitalists who invest their own money in the products presented on their show.
This episode with the children acting on behalf of (im Namen von) their parents should be particularly interesting to anyone involved in running a small business:
* the excitement of being the owner of an idea and trying to find capital to market it
* the balance of keeping ownership of your ideas and reaping (ernten) profits from them, and getting someone else on board to help you realize them
* the way the whole family is involved
What else beside the amount of money the Dragons will invest is at stake (auf dem Spiel)? Do you think the Patils are getting a good deal here?
By the way: dragon’s den = Drachenhöhle, but true fantasy fans know to say dragon’s lair (and lion’s den).
Thanks to Louise Kennedy for yet another great media tip. 🙂 She suggested using this series for teaching business English.
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