Senator Barack Obama accepted the democratic nomination “with great humility” … on a stage with a rather grandiose ancient Greek colonnade. It was supposed to be reminiscent of MLK’s “I have a dream” speech held in Washington on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial 45 years ago to the very day, and quite generally to look like Washington, a city built in the classical style to evoke the temples of Greek democracy. But symbolism of that nature is tricky. Dana Milbank reports in the Washington Post that Republicans called the stage the “Barackopolis”. Milbank adds: the columns were Doric, so a better name would have been the “Barackenon”. And McCain supporters issued advice to wear a toga to the event. “It was a ceremony fit for the gods… All that was missing were the laurel crown, the eunuchs and the sacrifice of the white oxen.” Hahaha… oh, dear. Obama’s overly eager staff have set him up for derision: Could it be that his ego is just a little too big for a media democracy?
That said: No worries. Obama’s speech was truly excellent and very well received.