Comedienne Sarah Silverman is as politically incorrect as it gets. In the States she’s famous for the way she breaks taboos in stories centering on herself. Her video “I’m f***ing Matt Damon” has just won her a Creative Arts Emmy award. From October 23rd on, her sitcom on Comedy Central will be shown in German in a dubbed version without the standard laugh track. I wonder how many people here will find her shock tactics funny?
Her video “I love you more” has a surprize ending. Just watch:
I love you more than bears love honey
I love you more than Jews love money
I love you more than Asians are good at math
I love you even if it’s not hip
I love you more than black people don’t tip
I love you more than Puerto Ricans need baths
I love you more than girls love dolls
I love you more than dogs love balls
I love you more than the white stuff in a zit
I love you like Gary Busey
I love you more than dykes love pussy
I love you more than my aftershow monster bong hit
Jewish people driving German cars
Jewish people driving German cars
Jewy people buying German cars
What the cock is that shit?
But maybe it’s like Take Back the Night
Maybe it’s like how bleeding hearts grow old and swing to the right
Maybe it’s like when a faggot calls himself a faggot
Jewish people driving German cars
It’s the opposite of FUBU
But maybe it’s Patty Hearst siding with her kidnappers
Maybe it’s South African miner-killing diamond-wearing gangster rappers
Maybe it’s like when black guys call each other niggers