Helmut took out the trash a few days ago and said that a little old lady with a flashlight came round to the trash can and started poking through the trash he had just dumped. Man, this is Munich, one of the richest cities in one of the richest countries in the world. I was just reading the New York Times and found an article/ video about a community in Florida that was booming, with nearly everyone employed, until about six months to a year ago. Now the construction industry is in ruins. And people are hungry: One in four people is on food stamps, the soup kitchens are overflowing, people are are flocking to public pantries. And they have been foreclosed on and evicted from their homes. “People are very humble. They’ve never had to ask for help before.” It’s heartbreaking.
Hybrid courses
In the summer of 2021, I had the pleasure of attending a hybrid congress in Berlin: Die Grünen were kicking off their election campaign. The
3 Responses
You can see this in Munich every day towards 10am at the Hofpfisterei store (Blumenstraße): There is a 100 meter long queue of poor people waiting for the bread of the day before. It costs only 30% of the normal price.
Poor world…
Na ja, 30% billiger bei der Hofpfisterei entspricht dann etwa dem Normalpreis eines Brotes aus der Großbäckerei.
Hi Dolce/vita,
Sure, everything’s relative. But that particular bread is really good 🙂 And if you have time, a line is no problem, right? Since cheap food is usually bad for you, it’s nice that you can get something healthy/worthwhile even if you’re short of money.