Hört Ihr Podcasts auf Englisch? Wenn ja, welche? Ich schreibe einen Artikel für Lehrer/Lehrerinnen und würde mich über Eure Erfahrungsberichte freuen.
Do you listen to any podcasts? If so, which ones? Please feel free to pass the question on. I’m writing something for MELTA News about good listening on the internet.
3 Responses
außer deinem höre ich keinen. manchmal sehe ich mir den videopodcast ttt /Titel, Thesen, Temperamente an.
I’m glad you asked! It goes in cycles but I have about 15 podcasts or videocasts that I listen to or watch more or less regularly. The best English subscriptions are:
APM: Marketplace Conversations from the Corner Office
Business Week — Cover Stories
Career Tools
Manager Tools
Deloitte Insights
Grammar Girl
KCRW’s Left, Right and Center
TED Talks
New Yorker cartoons
Tips from the Top Floor
AND last but not least — perhaps my favorite: Neues aus der Anstalt
I also follow Presentation Zen as an RSS feed.
Of course, I don’t follow them all religiously, but there’s some good input there and always available when I feel like it or to help me speak intelligently in some course or group.
Thanks guys 🙂 Great tips, Rod. Have been listening to episodes from APM: Marketplace Conversations from the Corner Office for about an hour now. It’s really exactly the language you need in business: Business lingo, but also just normal conversational English, US style. And short. Very, very good.
Rod, I know you’re a busy guy, but if you have half an hour to write a comment on your favorites, I’d stick that into that column … But you’re already flying out the door to see the family, right? 🙂 Anyway, I’ll put the list in as is.
Dolce, hab mir den Beitrag zu Iris Berben angeschaut. Ich halte das Fernsehen nicht mehr aus, aber solche kurzen Highlights gefallen mir gut.