Thomas Pierce, Weekend Edition, NPR, via 3quarksdaily:
“NPR’s Davar Ardalan interviewed Simin Behbahani, Iran’s national poet, today from Tehran. She’s 82 years-old and one of the most respected figures in modern Iran. She recites two poems inspired by recent events — one dedicated to the people of Iran and another to Neda, the woman whose death during the protests was viewed by millions on the web and on TV.”
There’s a very interesting, frustrated comment by “Young Iranian” on the NPR blog, who calls Western empathy “hypocritical” and “politically driven”, because it comes now, late, when Iranians protest. I’d say we Westerners have learned to be selective about who we empathize with, and crises are what focus our attention. You could be cynical about it, but why? I really think Iran has make its way on its own.

Hybrid courses
In the summer of 2021, I had the pleasure of attending a hybrid congress in Berlin: Die Grünen were kicking off their election campaign. The