Lovely snowflakes, they fall nowhere else!
No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place.
Two Zen sayings, or two translations of one saying?
When I was a little girl, taking ballet lessons at St. Mark’s, my parents would take me to see the Nutcracker around this time of year. And like most girls, I would go home pretending to be a snowflake.
(Bolshoi Ballet: The Nutcracker, Snowflakes)
Advent was over on Christmas Eve, and Z, letter 26, falls on Boxing Day, the British day for gifting friends. Thanks so much for your interesting comments and kind encouragement and recommendations throughout the Advent Calendar Alphabet Game. And now: Game over!
4 Responses
I think there is only one thing that makes no noise – in a world of noisy things – snow falling.
How true! I loved your snowy Christmas video, Chris. We didn’t have snow here in Munich, but Helmut and I had a very peaceful holiday.
Hope you have a good and safe (and not too security-controls-ridden) journey home.
I love the two translations of the zen saying. Yang Lian talked about translations yesterday on the BBC : for him, a Chinese poet, translations can enrich his poetry, as translation also means collaboration, from which springs another work of art.