I gave a talk at BESIG that was originally supposed to be about creating suites of online tasks with the cool tools available online, much as suggested by the great gurus in the field like Nik Peachey. But I found as the date came closer that I felt uncomfortable dropping task suites on students, because they can come across as complicated, and online attention spans are usually short. I found myself, instead, using those self-same online tools in face-to-face lessons, and talked about how using them with students in connection to awakening their interest in (autonomous) online networking enables “deep tinkering”. Debbie Capras blogged about the term “tinkering”, to my delight, in Business Spotlight, and I was even interviewed by Mike Hogan, with much waving of (my) hands. I’d like to thank Gavin Dudeney for an adhoc session of good advice and inspiration the day before my talk, and Sue Lyon Jones for the wine we shared.
Here’s the presentation as a pdf. I’ll get back to blogging properly here after Christmas (see “Break”). Peace!