Pigeon: Impossible
Pigeon Impossible, the silent animated film by Lucas Martell released on 9 November that took 4 years to make, passed the 1 million views mark on YouTube after less than 2 weeks online. The film is set in the neighborhood of the International Spy Museum in Washington, D.C., where two of my nieces and I […]
The switch
Hey, cool: What’s this? What does it do? What can you do with it? How does it work? What are its mechanical or physical properties? Created by Vancouver Film School student Zack Mathew through the VFS Digital Character Animation program. For a short interview with Zack, visit The man behind the switch Recommended by ebd35 […]
The fourth of July
Fireworks by PES! Those poor bunnies! Happy fourth!
Pink Frank
Funny fashion for a cool and hardworking dude. Thank you, Frank. Better luck next time. – But honestly, guys, you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing pink !?!
The bare necessities
The students at the biotech company I teach at work veeeery hard, and I’m just translating a study on biotechnology and pharmaceuticals in Munich that is super interesting, so you’d think that’s what we’ll be discussing next lesson, right? Wrong. There was a request, you see, to compare the German and the English text of […]
Pink elephants
Dumbo (Disney 1941) drinks from a water barrel filled with champagne by mistake and starts seeing pink elephants on parade. Pink elephants? The Veuve Clicquot must have been exceedingly good that year. A certain lady who really likes that particular kind of champagne is celebrating her birthday today … so happy birthday, dear Dolcevita! Truly […]
Anne in Wonderland
You simply must see the great Disney exhibition at Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung in Munich, which traces the European images that inspired the look of Disney’s films. I had some surprising insights. And the gauches, pastels, oils and paintings on celluloid produced in the Disney Studios are just delightful. (Exhibition through 25 January 2009.) As I […]