You gotta read it

Found a blog activity on Dolcevita’s site Lesekreis originated by Marcel of Read it! called “Stöckchen”, which is basically a game of “go fetch“. This time the task is to list your 10 all-time favorite books.

She’s not ready

“While watching the Sarah Palin interview with Charlie Gibson Thursday night, and the coverage of the Palin phenomenon in general, I’ve gotten the scary feeling, for the first time in my life, that dimwittedness is not just on the march in the U.S., but that it might actually prevail.

Nellie McKay

Nelli McKay, comedienne, singer-songwriter and actress, has a sharp wit (viz. Mother of Pearl) and a romantic soul. She sings about her dog and interprets all sorts of stuff, including jazz standards (viz. If I had you). For Belli.

The heavy metal pilot

“White man came across the sea…” and cured them of their misery. It was a nice bit of news for a rainy day: Bruce Dickinson, lead singer for Iron Maiden, has a day job as a commercial pilot and is one of the pilots who picked up vacationing tourists after their tour operator XL Leisure […]

Scrutinizing Scrum

A few months ago I first heard about agile planning methods in software development from Christian and now Helmut is busy reading up on Scrum. Scrum is a project management method which focusses completely on the customer and the quality of the product. How? It progresses in very short cycles to develop a product and checks that progress consistently.


PostSecret is a collaborative art project by Frank Warren, who invites you and me, anyone and everyone to share a secret, written and drawn and sent in anonymously on a postcard, which he posts in his blog and turns into art exhibits. Every card tells a story in a nutshell. Here is his latest video describing the project, entitled […]

Fashion week

Watch a wonderful slide show overview of fashion weeks all around the world, from the New York Times – link here. What a diversity of looks! I love the culture and imagination that goes into these creations. When I was a girl, I used to sit in my mother’s boutique and read Vogue Magazine cover to cover and dream […]