David Sedaris has been tickling my funny bone since I first heard him read from the SantaLand Diaries on NPR. The man is brilliant, and even if we listeners (or readers, of course!) are basically witnessing his life-long self-therapy, I simply can’t imagine anyone more enjoyable to support in this way 😉 … If you, too, want to be a shrink-for-a-day, come along to the Literaturhaus in Munich on Monday, November 10th, 8pm and laugh away your own neuroses.
Schöner wird’s nicht
Lesung mit David Sedaris und Gerd Köster
Veranstalter: Blessing Verlag, Stiftung Literaturhaus
Eintritt: Euro 10.- / 8.-
Lucy, kisses to you for organizing tickets 🙂
Sedaris on style for men
For those of you who find Sedaris’s English too hard to follow, I warmly recommend the translations by wonderful Harry Rowohlt (my favorite German translator), some of which are contained in his bilingual CD with the original English texts and Rowohlt’s translation, The Best of Harry Rowohlt. (The CD was a tip from Rod, thank you!)