After a year off social media, I’ve rejoined Facebook because so many of my peers are networking there, and I really felt I was missing out. Things like organizing meetups are happening there, or news on who is going to which conference, but also people having children and getting married, and career changing events like writing something or changing jobs.
Seeing what else people are sharing is really interesting. It’s frankly completely random, but easy to relate to, and quite entertaining.
I do have to keep my tendency to comment in check. I’m the responsive type, but in Social Media I tend to put my foot in my mouth. That’s what, in the end, made me decide to disengage a year ago. So for me it helps to concentrate on the fact that in social media, being a part of the game is the whole objective.
I just read a wise quote (posted by a colleague at BESIG, Holly Longstroth) that we often listen not to understand, but to reply. So less replying, more understanding.
4 Responses
I re-joined Facebook last year for the same reasons you state here, Anne. It’s interesting to read your comments about putting your foot in your mouth on social media. That’s always a tricky one, I feel, and an area many of us could do with some help in! How about letting us in on some of your social media bloomers and giving us some tips of what NOT to do? 😉 Welcome back, anyway!
Ha ha, that’s a great idea!
That warrants a separate post. The thing is, if I knew exactly how I put my foot in, I probably wouldn’t do it so often 😉 I sense that it has to do with turning thoughts over inside to a degree I wouldn’t necessarily do if I was meeting the other people face to face. Anyway, I’ll try to recollect the most embarrassing moments in my next post.
No, you won’t convince me.
To me, Chris, social media is the watercooler, and blogging is the desk.