Grammar Guru: 90′ x 90′

“The boat is very simple. It’s a 90 foot x 90 foot platform, trimaran, with three hulls, with a magic wing, close to 200 feet high.” Read “90 by 90“, “90 times 90” or “90 to 90“? In 1851, a boat named America won the 100 Guinea Cup in a race around the Isle of […]

Grammar Guru: Look ____!

What do you say when you call out a warning? An essential phrase, don’t you think? Now, Lily Munster (Yvonne DeCarlo) sings the southern traditional “He’s Gone Away”, which uses another phrasal verb, “look _____!”, which is completely useless outside the realm of songs like this one, and “Dixie”: He’s Gone Away traditional He’s gone […]

Grammar Guru: I’m lovin’ it!

Is this ‘good’ or ‘bad’ English? Do you use it? If so, where and when and how? Do you think it’s ok if others use it? McDonalds. Ad. On my blog. I know. Sorry. But hey. I defended a traditional point of view here. Don’t miss Mike’s comment.

Grammar Guru: Which tense is correct here?

Which tense is correct here? I saw Judith recently at an event held for new students. Grammar logic: The event is over. I’ve seen Judith recently at an event held for new students. Grammar logic: “Recently”, like “this morning”, is a time word connected to the present perfect. Why did you choose the one you […]

Grammar Guru: Which headline makes sense?

Headlines are very challenging to understand, because little words are left out that help you see whether the information words are nouns, verbs, adjectives etc. Often short words are chosen to make sure the headline fits into the space on the page, which means that often less well-known words are used. Also, headlines often use […]

Grammar Guru: Is it past or present perfect?

There is a new argument being brought in by Republican opponents of the health bill. They say the health bill will “force” individuals into a contract with a private agency. This type of provision would be new in America, they say. So what do you think these opponents are saying? In the history of this […]