Bad pink: Keyboard for blondes
A keyboard for blondes with a key that says “Oops!” and a “Somewhat useless key”… Joan… thanks… augh… this hurts my eyes.
Lucy does it
Lucy got her own dessous shop going on 14 February. Online, by appointment only. Small beginnings, big dreams. Go, girl! Hope you get lots of customers interested in your fine funky fashion! For more, look here:
Japanese banking issues & winter fashion
Joan sent me this: “Following the problems in the financial sector in the US, uncertainty has now hit Japan. In the last 7 days the Origami Bank has folded, the Sumo Bank has gone belly up and the Bonsai Bank announced plans to cut some of its branches. Yesterday, it was announced that the Karaoke […]
Planet Oktoberfest
Once a year this city goes totally nuts. I know enough people who can‘t stand the madness that is the Wiesn, as the Oktoberfest ( is known here. A Wiese is a meadow, and that’s what the Theresienwiese, as the fairgrounds are called, once were, years ago, when King Ludwig and Queen Therese decided to celebrate their wedding here in 1810. In the first years the Oktoberfest was modeled on the ancient Olympics and was actually a sporting event. Today the only sports involved are raising a liter of beer in a glass mug (that‘s just over three pounds) and keeping your balance while you dance on the table (which is not allowed, but everybody does). Oh, and there’s finger wrestling, or Fingerhakln, of course, and running hurdles to get to the restrooms. So the disciplines aren’t too challenging.
Fall fashion
From the Obama “Runway to change“. Design: Nanette Lepore. Unfortunately, no delivery outside the USA.
Fashion week
Watch a wonderful slide show overview of fashion weeks all around the world, from the New York Times – link here. What a diversity of looks! I love the culture and imagination that goes into these creations. When I was a girl, I used to sit in my mother’s boutique and read Vogue Magazine cover to cover and dream […]
Men with beards
If you ask me, Radovan Karadzic is going to give beards a very bad name. I prefer the clean-shaven look, too. But not every beard hides a war criminal. Here, in defense of the honor of men wearing beards, are the world champions in facial hair from the World Beard and Moustache Championships in Carson […]