My blog. Your blog?
When I first started this blog I was unsure what approach I should take. I mean, I don’t stand in the middle of town talking to myself. And I keep my private life private. At least I used to think I did. Until I got this message on Skype from a woman in Russia who said, “Anne, do you know that your secret journal is online?” Last week, when I told my brother Adam over a Mass at the Oktoberfest that I had blogged about our mother, he gave me this very strange look. My husband tells me my topics are too complicated. So what am I doing it for? Give me a few minutes of your time, and I’ll explain.
What an honor, and what fun: Island Weekly is on WE Magazine’s list of 101 Women Bloggers to Watch in Fall 2008. WE magazine for Women is an International Digital Business & Lifestyle Magazine for “women who want to explore great destinations, improve their outlook on life, learn quick and easy ways to get and […]
Daily sprint backlog @ Island Weekly
You gotta read it
Found a blog activity on Dolcevita’s site Lesekreis originated by Marcel of Read it! called “Stöckchen”, which is basically a game of “go fetch“. This time the task is to list your 10 all-time favorite books.
PostSecret is a collaborative art project by Frank Warren, who invites you and me, anyone and everyone to share a secret, written and drawn and sent in anonymously on a postcard, which he posts in his blog and turns into art exhibits. Every card tells a story in a nutshell. Here is his latest video describing the project, entitled […]
3 Quarks Daily
This great “filter blog” edited by S. Abbas Raza collects the writings of people in the arts and sciences. If you think the world has run out of ideas, go there. Yesterday it featured an article reporting that Iranian female students have been secretly reading Nabokov’s Lolita. Habermas, Kant, Arendt, Mill, Camus are hugely popular […]